Remedial physical culture in complex physical rehabilitation of young men after arthroscopic surgery about the lateral ligament ruptures of knee joint on periods of reconstruction
lateral ligament ruptures, knee joint, functional state of the systems of organism, physical rehabilitationAbstract
The complex program of physical rehabilitation is worked out and grounded for young men after arthroscopic surgery about the lateral ligament ruptures of knee joint on periods of reconstruction with the use of hydrokinesotherapy (physical exercises and swimming in the swimming-pool), mechanotherapy (physical exercises on special simulator), remedial massage on method of M. Eriomushkin in combination with electrical stimulation of the quadriceps femoris in the conditions of policlinic. Under our supervision there were 20 men aged 20–25. Proved is an efficiency of the offered program of physical rehabilitation on the basis of study of dynamics of indexes of the musculoskeletal system and indexes of the functional state cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and common physical capacity for work.References
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